Excel Intermediate
Take your Excel skills to the next level with Pivot Tables, slicers, LOOKUP formulas, Logical formulas and much much more
An Introduction to viewing multiple workbooks
Setting workbooks side by side
Setting two from three workbooks side by side
About synchronous scrolling
Arranging workbooks vertically
Arranging multiple workbooks vertically
Using the tiled view
An introduction working with multiple worksheets
Step 1 New Window
Step 2 arrange all
Step 3 making changes
Renaming a worksheet
Deleting a worksheet
Copying a worksheet
Copying a worksheet to a new workbook
Copying a worksheet to an existing workbook
Moving a worksheet to another workbook
Hiding a worksheet
Unhiding a worksheet
Changing worksheet tab colours
About Excel formulas
Formula operators
Creating a simple formulas
Using multiply
Using subtraction
Using divide to create percentages
Using Functions
Adding many cells together
About SUM function
The AVERAGE function
The COUNT function
The MAX function
The MIN function
Introduction to the $
When to use the $
How to use the $
Shortcut to adding the $
Multiple $'s
An introduction to filtering data
Aligning headings
Switching filtering on
Clearing all filters
TEXT - filter
TEXT - multiple items simultaneously
TEXT - compound filter
TEXT - that begins with one specific letter
TEXT - that begins with two specific letters
TEXT - that ends with
TEXT - that does not contain
TEXT - using OR
TEXT - filter
TEXT - multiple items simultaneously
TEXT - compound filter
TEXT - that begins with one specific letter
TEXT - that begins with two specific letters
TEXT - that ends with
TEXT - that does not contain
TEXT - using OR
Filtering exact numbers
Filter to eliminate - example 1
Filter to eliminate - example 2
Greater than
Greater than or equal to
Less than
Less than or equal to
Between two numbers
Bottom x items
Top x items
Above average
Below average
Using OR
Ticking boxes
About filtering dates
Specific date
Between two dates
Next week
Last week
This month
Next month
Last month
This quater
Next quater
Last quater
This year
Next year
Last year
Year to date
January and any other month
Q3 and Q4
Clearing filters from a single field
Clearing multiple filters
Reapplying filters
Sorting numbers
Sorting text
An Introduction to freezing panes
Freezing row 1 of a spreadsheet
Freezing any single row
How to freeze a column
Freeze row 1 and column A
Freeze columns only
How to freeze a row and column simultaneously
Filtering data
About freeze panes in tables
Creating a table
Table style options
The new Table Design tab on the ribbon
An Introduction to worksheet tables
Convert a table to a list
Naming a table
Using the total row to find an AVERAGE
Using the total round to COUNT
Using the total row to add using SUM
Using the total round to COUNT NUMERS
Using the total round find high MAX and low numbers MIN
Resizing Slicers
Adding a Slicer
Using multiple slicers
Using Slicers
Stopping formulas copying down a column
Adding formulas to a table
Switch off table names in formauls
Allowing formulas to be copied down columns
Using table Smart Tags
Filtering by colour
Removing duplicate values from a table - example 2
Removing duplicate values from a table - example 1
Resizing tables
Copying additional records to a table 1
Typing additional records to a table
Copying additional records to a table 2
Deleting or adding rows to a table
Deleting or adding multiple rows to a table
Adding additional columns
Adding a column to the end of a table
About conditional formatting in tables
Highlighting cells between two numbers
Highlighting cells that contain an exact number
About conditional formatting rules
Highlighting cells greater than #
Highlighting cells less than #
AN Introduction to conditional formatting
Highlighting yesterdays date
Using custom formats
Colour scales
Highlighting tomorrow
Setting up a dynamic condition
Highlighting cells that contain text
Highlighting this months data
Highlighting last seven days
Highlighting last weeks data
Highlighting today
Highlighting next weeks data
Highlighting last month data
Data bars
Clearing rules from specific cells
Using conditional formatting in tables
Highlighting next months data
Data brs in linked cells
Highlighting top 10 items
Highlighting bottom 5 items
Highlighting bottom 10 items
Highlighting duplicating values
Highlighting top x items
Highlighting bottom 10%
Setting up a traffic light system
Using more than one rule
Isolating specific traffic lights
Highlighting numbers above average
Formatting an entire row in a table
Highlighting unique values
Editing existing rules
Highlighting dates that are overdue - step 1
Highlighting dates that are overdue - step 2
Highlighting dates that are overdue - step 3
Highlighting dates that are due in the next 15 days
Reordering conflicting rules
Highlighting dates that are due in the next 30 days
Formulas to link worksheets
Testing linked formulas
Formulas to link multiple workseets
3D formulas to link multiple worksheets
Creating a formula to link workbooks
Understanding the linked formula
Updating formulas that link workbooks 1
Updating formulas that link workbooks 2
Updating formulas that link workbooks 3
Updating linked cells
Opening linked workbooks
Finding linked formulas
Watch this video first
An introduction to logical formulas
IF FUNCTION - example 1
IF FUNCTION- example 2
AND Function
OR Function
IF and AND combined
IF and OR combined
Creating nested IF formulas
IFS Function
Introduction to LOOKUP functions
VLOOKUP example 1
VLOOKUP example 2
VLOOKUP example 3
VLOOKUP example 4
About VLOOKUP and N\A
using VLOOKUP to reconcile
Using the HLOOKUP function
Using the CHOOSE Function
AN Introduction to the XLOOKUP function
A basic XLOOKUP ofrula
XLOOKUP can be used in any table column
Using XLOOKUP and removing the N\A error
Using XLOOKUP for an approximate match
Using XLOOKUP to find the first and last occurrence in a table
The INDEX function - example 1
The INDEX function - example 2
The MATCH function
Using INDEX and MATCH combined
The IFERROR function
Using IFERROR combined with VLOOKUP example 1
Using IFERROR combined with VLOOKUP example 2
AN introduction to statistical functions
The SUMIF function
The COUNTIF function
The AVERAGEIF function
The SUMIFS function
The COUNTIFS function
The AVERAGEIF function
The MAXIFS function
The MINIFS function
About Pivot Tables
Rules about tables
Preparing your data
Knowing your data
Formatting as a table
Creating a basic Pivot Table
Adding fields to a Pivot Table
Adding further fields to a Pivot table
Using recommended Pivot Tables 1
Using recommended Pivot Tables 2
Pivot Table tools tab on the ribbon
The Pivot Table Field List pane
Filtering in Pivot Tables
More on adding fields 1
More on adding fields 2
More on adding fields 3
More on adding fields 4
Using the filter area
Removing field from your Pivot Table
Using sort in a Pivot Table
Sorting your Pivot Table numerically
Switch off screen tips
Using AVERAGE function in a Pivot Table report
Using COUNT function in a Pivot Table report
Using the MAX and MIN functions in a Pivot Table report
Showing SUM and COUNT simultaneously
Using Pivot Tables to find top 10 items
Creating a Pivot Chart
The Pivot Chart tabs on the ribbon
The chart field buttons
Using Slicers with Pivot charts
AN introduction to using slicers with Pivot Tables
Creating a slicer
About the slicers tab on the ribbon
Using Slicers to link Pivot Tables
An Introduction to Timelines
Creating a Timeline
The Timeline tab on the ribbon
Using the Time line to link Pivot tables
Adding dates to a Pivot Table
Expanding and collapsing date fields
Manipulating date fields
How to add multiple Pivot Tables on to one worksheet
Adding a single record
Adding multiple records
Formatting numbers to two decimal places
Formatting numbers to currency
Changing subtotal layout
Changing grand total layout
Further report layouts
Using Pivot Table styles
Sending a Pivot Table via email
Deleting a Pivot Table